Mmpi 2 rf scales
Mmpi 2 rf scales

mmpi 2 rf scales

Consider, for example, the opinion of one of the coauthors of the RC scales, Graham: Several recent textbooks challenge the notion that the MMPI–2–RF is the instrument of choice for forensic evaluations (Butcher, 2011 Graham, 2012 Greene, 2011 Nichols, 2011). The MMPI–2–RF has not gained acceptance as a replacement for the MMPI–2. Many experts do not consider the MMPI-2-RF to be a viable replacement for the MMPI-2 in critical evaluations such as child custody. Psychologists considering including them as part of a test battery must evaluate their psychometric properties by carefully examining the test manuals, empirical studies, and recent textbooks. The MMPI-2-RF and its scales are novel measures whose use may be challenged inforensic settings. This article describes many of the criticisms of the MMPI–2–RF, and its various scales, including the RC Scales and the Fake Bad Scale (recently renamed the Symptom Validity Scale). Unfortunately, this recommendation was not supported by a comprehensive review of the literature similar to the one she used to address her primary questions about MMPI-2 Scale 4.

mmpi 2 rf scales

Toward the end of her article addressing the prevalence of MMPI-2 Scale 4 elevations among child custody litigants, Ellis recommended use of the MMPI-2-RFscales in child custody evaluations. Journal of Child Custody: Research, Issues, and Practices, Vol 9(4), Oct, 2012. Problems with using the MMPI–2–RF in forensic evaluations: A clarification to Ellis.

Mmpi 2 rf scales